Balactan launches its new flavored milk in format “on the go”

22 de November - De Balactan

Milk is considered a basic aliment for humans, especially at growing-up stage, since it is the exclusive source of casein and other proteins that contribute to meet balance that the body system requires.

It is also rich in calcium and vitamin D, necessary for the well development of the bones and teeth, it contains vitamins A and B and other essential nutrients for a healthy development during childhood and adolescence.

One of the marketing strategies for greater acceptance by small and not adults is to add flavors that are attractive as strawberry, vanilla chocolate and use flashy packaging and presentations in sizes that facilitate their transportation, storage and use.

Introducing food to babies

- De Balactan

Around 6 months of age your pediatrician will advise you to start giving fruit to the baby. Discover how to achieve that and how they to accept it.
By 6 months, you could start adding new food products to your baby. It’s very common to start with Baby Cereals and then Fruit.
Just remind, it does not mean baby needs to get less amount of milk, has to continue being fed with the same amount as it remains as the main food.

If you start with juice …

There are some pediatricians who advise to start with orange or tangerine juice instead of fresh fruit, while others prefer the opposite.

The truth is that there is unanimity about it: There is no fixed rule that says you should start with one or another depends on the child, some babies accept better the juice and other puree . If baby refuses the juice don’t worry, just switch to fruit puree.

Study on the benefits of calcium in infant feeding

17 de November - De Balactan

Within the Infant Feeding, one of the essential micronutrients for proper bone development is calcium. Foods rich in calcium on infant’s diet should always be present in daily food of your baby. Taking into account the importance of calcium for children is to make sure your child grow up healthy and strong.

Importance of calcium for children

The Importance of calcium for children is that calcium is an extremely important for building strong bones, making your child to growth strong.

Thanks to infant food enriched with Calcium you could guarantee the strength of their bones not only the present but also the future.

In girls, a good supply of calcium during infant and childhood reduces the risk of osteoporosis at menopause stage.

A well prepared body system in childhood and adolescence helps to prevent future diseases.